I have a big mouth...

here I am able to type the crap I would normally say with my big mouth.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

So the debates continue...

Normally I wouldn't be watching presidential debates. I vote usually by party lines. I consider myself a democrat and I vote the like...
Back in 2000, I voted democrat of course... I really wasn't into the election that year, I voted party lines, but Al Gore didn't really move me, no real inspiration. I didn't see him as having very much charisma. Then September 11Th happened and for a split second I was sort of glad to have George Bush in the office. Of course I am sure most people felt that, but I am also sure that whoever would have been in office would have had the same reaction from the American people. With that said, it wasn't too long after September 11Th that things started changing, perceptions were changing. I think that September 11Th allowed George Bush and his administration to feel like he had a blank check to get whatever he wanted. I think that George Bush has abused the office of the President of the United States. He has made this country less safe, in his lack of concern in the right areas (North Korea, Afghanistan etc) and his over zealous charge in the wrong areas (Iraq, Warrant less Wiretapping, Scooter Libby pardon etc).

In this current election season, I am inspired, energized and ready for change. The reason? Senator Barrack Obama! He is fantastic, he is a motivator, a spectacular orator, he is amazing! I think the main difference between him and Senator Clinton is this, Senator Clinton is divisive whereas Senator Obama is all about unity. Senator Clinton loves to talk about her 35 years of experience, but with that comes baggage. There are a lot of people who didn't like the Clinton years and she is part of the reason for that. Senator Obama on the other hand doesn't have the same sort of baggage. He is not one to shy away from crossing the aisles to work with Republicans, and he has always been forthcoming about that fact. Now staunch Democrats would say, oh no your goal should be All Democrats that is how you get things done... however that is not reality. There will never be All Democrats... it should be a major requirement to being president that you are willing and that you actively work on crossing party lines and working together. That is the reason I believe Barrack Obama will be the next President of the United States.

He has my vote!

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