I have a big mouth...

here I am able to type the crap I would normally say with my big mouth.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Obama vs. McCain....

So I am watching the primary results tonight and one thing is becoming absolutely clear. John McCain is a real snore....

Normally when the candidates are speaking after winning the primary/caucus they are up beat, positive, motivated and they sound like they are ready to take on the world!

Barack Obama gave a phenomenal speech tonight after his victories today... the crowd was insane, he was fired up, motivated and just full of hope and positivity... then MSNBC cut to the victory speech from John McCain, who was clearly reading his speech from a teleprompter, he was muted, dull, boring, just quite passive... Quite a stark contrast here....

Even the commentators made note of the differences...

Barack is very inspiring...this election is going to be quite a magnificent time in our country!!

Vote People, VOTE!

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