I have a big mouth...

here I am able to type the crap I would normally say with my big mouth.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The House did it....

Senators...the House has managed to vote through an end to Don't Ask Don't Tell. Will you follow their lead?

It's a bit sad that such an injustice has been allowed to remain in effect for so long. DADT has been in effect since 1993. And now 17 years later, there's only one more stop before it is repealed.

I cannot imagine what this type of progress feels like to the people most closely impacted by its outcome. I cannot imagine having to hide or lie about who I am in order to keep a job. The military is not like any other establishment. It takes a certain dedication to choose the military. To choose to give up your life for your country. Not everyone has the fortitude to choose such a path in life. To know that gays and lesbians made the choice to do it knowing full well that they cannot be themselves or else they risk losing what they love...that adds another dimension to their choice.

Seems simple...if they choose to risk their lives for us, least we could do is treat them equally.

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