I have a big mouth...

here I am able to type the crap I would normally say with my big mouth.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Financial Freedom

There is something to be said for being financially free. I am working towards my goal.

Excluding the religious twist on the comments, his advice is fantastic.

This guy I love...

These guys are helping me:

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Have you ever wanted someone so bad that it hurt? It hurts knowing you can't have what you want... It hurts wondering when the hurt is going to stop... UGH

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Friend.....


American Idol????

Come on people...need I say more??? Bring on the bad, horrible, deaf and delirious singers...Wahoo!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I firmly believe that the people you meet in life are there to teach you lessons about yourself. The quicker you learn the lesson the better off you will be in life.

Don't take for granted the people that give you unconditional love. The ones who only want to take care of you. Those are the people who will stay with you for life.

Love those near to you...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Stewart and Colbert

Boy are these two guys FUNNY! (even without their writers) They came back from being out for I don't know how long and you could tell last night that they were so glad to be back. I agree that everyone needs to get back to the negotiating table and get all the drama sorted out. I was beginning to have withdrawls without Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Last nights show was really funny, even though nearly the entire focus for both shows was the writers strike. I hope it ends soon so that we can get some more good jokes out there. I mean at this time, with the election going on, they are missing out on some gems I am sure!

Well even if it is without the writers welcome back!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Stupid Car Battery

So I have an amazing friend (Bren) who, a month ago, rescued me and taught me how to change my car battery. Well today I was lucky enough to have my battery give out on me right when I needed it most. The battery was only 30 days old so needless to say I was going to be pissed if I needed a new battery. Thought about it being the starter or the alternator...which I would have also been pissed if I needed to get a new one. Thankfully my friend Bren left work to give me a jump and I took my car to Sears since that is where I bought the battery. They checked it out and found that everything was working beautifully it was just the connections on my battery that needed to be cleaned. Best $12.99 ever spent!

So I am once again back on the right track...

Not sure why anyone would care about this...just thought I would share.. lol

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Presidential Debate 1/5/08

Well the debate last night was interesting. I think the format was interesting, the first 45 minutes of each group was to be an "open dialogue" then the rest of the time was direct question and answer from each candidate. I think someone should probably school the candidates and let them know that open dialogue does not mean yapping and fighting to get your voice heard first. There has to be back and forth commenting/conversation and there needs to be some spaces in between the comments, otherwise NO ONE CAN HEAR OR UNDERSTAND your valuable points that you were screaming to make?!?! hello??? Are you getting this?

Over all I think it was relatively informative (not too much in fighting). There were two sore thumbs that stuck out though. 1. Why does Ron Paul think he is a republican? he should stick to being an independant and he comes across as a bit like Ross Perot (too nutty) for people to trust. While his message may be good and exciting, he delivers like he is just released from the institution. 2. Bill Richardson is CLEARLY out of his element, he seems like on of those kids on the play ground that follows you around but you don't really want him there... He should probably go ahead and quash his aspirations right now. Save himself some time and feelings. How long is he going to stick with the "I've handled hostage negotiations" line... Being president is not the same as handling hostage negotiations.

Overall the debate hasnt changed my selection of Barack Obama for the next president (I only wish we could have the election sooner and kick Dubya out sooner!), if anything it opened my eyes to a potential ticket. I think I would like to see an Obama/Edwards ticket. That would be quite nice.

So that is the thought for today...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Britney Spears - How tragic

I am troubled by this past year in the life of Britney Spears. I think that the most recent event clearly are a sign that this girl needs an intervention. She needs someone to put her in check and give her boundaries, all the while teaching her how to live with in her own life and not put herself or anyone else in danger.

I am shocked at the photographers who CHASED the ambulance down the street in front of her house. I am not sure if it is because of the photogs that she is having so many mental issues or if the photogs are only there to capture her mental breakdown. Either way it is a tragedy and the fact that her boys are witness to it, only means the cycle will continue through their lives unless it is corrected in hers.

Her mother needs to step up and put Britney in check. Her enabler friends need to stay out of her life. The photogs need to give it a rest and let the girl heal. (Put yourself in her shoes, how would you like it if 30 people were following you, hounding you, taking your picture, sitting outside your home, asking you asinine questions..)

I feel for you Britney and I hope for yours sake and the sake of your boys that you get some serious help.